IT PMO Provides Consolidated View of Resource Needs

An information technology group needed visibility into all demand for its resources to improve their ability to not bottleneck projects due to lack of resources. To do so, all project resource needs, by skill , were consolidated to give a picture of the total demand.
ProjectLead developed a matrix of resources, by skill, to assist project managers with inputting their resource plans.
ProjectLead created an Excel worksheet and update process for project managers to maintain their project resource demands and assignments.
ProjectLead created Excel reports and charts to identify resource demand and enable capacity planning at a resource and skill level.
Reduced Delays Due to Resources
Forward visibility into projects with potential resource constraint delays enabled management to make adjustments to meet project needs.
People Not Over-Booked
A reduction in resources being 200% over-booked reduced stress and fragmentation for employees and increased work quality.
Objective Data For Resource Budget Requests
Unfilled demand for resources could be sized and presented at budget time for additional resource considerations.