New CEO Looks Deeper to Find Energy and Remove Roadblocks
A new CEO for a food product company wanted to make improvements to meet the demands of his new position while maintaining some sense of balance in the non-work domains of his life.
ProjectLead designed and developed a customized 10-week coaching plan to assess the client's wiring and set a course of action for leadership improvements in the workplace.
ProjectLead conducted a historical look at the client's past to discover family of origin impacts and other turning point events.
ProjectLead assisted the client is drawing a model of the client's self-destructive patterns, along with working on methods for self-diagnosis and recovery.
Positive Feedback from Subordinates
New levels of communications via staff meetings gave subordinates a sense of mission and connectedness with the CEO.
New Insights and "Aha's"
Deeper insights were uncovered resulting in positive validation and reducing stress associated with uncertainty.
Expanded Scope Beyond Work
Emphasis placed on all life domains impacted the client's ability to delegate better and not be responsible for everything and everyone.